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Steganographic Decode Team














Years of Service

During my last job I came across some information that I had to set aside to look into once I had more time. This involved Images, text, and files hidden behind or inside code or images. I now am in between projects and have time to get something going here. There is potential for profit in this, as with everything I do. Basically once established this team will tear through a three step model covering theacquisition of the information located, analyzingthe methods in which it was distributed, and decide how to profit off of this process. I have a few ideas already... Below you will see what I am currently looking for. Once we get to a point where it looks like a potential profit model I will unlock funds to this and we can start compensation, so to be clear this is not a paid gig to start off with. Keep in mind this all through "Damaged.gg" this is not a external recruitment post.

one or two people at this time

*Anyone familiar with hiding images in any sort of file or picture.
*Anyone familiar with code, such as html, c##, Java, the zeros and the ones my guys.
*Anyone familiar with graphic design programs or graphic editors such as blender or any number of ones I don't know.
*Anyone who thinks they would be a asset to the graphic oriented part of the project.

If you are interested in this topic in general you can feel free to post here or message me, more skills will be needed in the future as inevitablythis will roll over into the next project which will of course require new implementations. Many of my projects once a profit model can clearly be seen get funded by investors, so I encourage you to let me know if ever you see a post like this that has a skill that you possess. None of my ideas or projects ever are black hat... rarely are they even grey.
I am you - You are me - They are us



