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Divine Contributor Elite member














Years of Service

Lately, in the gaming and League of Legends community, there has been a surge in advertisements for various stores. One such store is @Avigi, who appears to be sponsored by the shop. Interestingly, it seems that the shop's owner, who may not be a member of Damaged.gg, is difficult to reach. When you click on their free account links or open text files, you're directed towards their store.

I decided to explore their store with caution, and I noticed some intriguing claims in their product descriptions. They mention being "Trusted by more than 5000 players!" along with positive reviews and a "24-hour warranty" policy. According to this warranty, if you encounter any issues with your account within 24 hours of purchase, you can request an immediate replacement by visiting their replacement page. They also suggest reaching out on their Discord server if you need further assistance.

Their customer support advised me to wait for 24 hours to receive a replacement account. However, on their store's website, they claim that customers will receive a functional account immediately upon purchase and even for replacements. Despite providing me with a replacement account that was still non-functional, they then instructed me to wait for the owner. It has now been over 10 hours, and it appears that the owner is unavailable at the moment.

My experience with this store took an unfortunate turn. After placing an order, I received an account that didn't work. I attempted to contact them via Discord, and it came to my attention that they have individuals in forums who serve as advertisers, sharing free accounts to promote the store's products. Additionally, it seems they pay for reviewers to maintain a positive image of their store. However, it's concerning that they lack an official thread in the marketplace. This absence makes it challenging to track down the owner's membership profile or contact them in case of a problem or scam.
Ultimately, they did provide me with a replacement account, but it also turned out to be non-functional. When I sought assistance, they directed me to contact the owner, who goes by the name Yop. Unfortunately, Yop was not available online.

Promoting method :


reviews and order information :


How they deal with tickets in their discord server:


UPDATE : after posting my thread now the owner has appeared xD
Before posting this thread :

few minutes ago :

I'm sharing this thread to alert you to be cautious when dealing with this store. Their methods seem suspicious and potentially designed to deceive customers.
[Image: SIG.gif]
















Years of Service

Hello, I am the Owner of Secret Shop, I would like to address the recent negative feedback that has been posted here.

First and foremost, I would like to clarify that the individual behind this post appears to be associated with a similar business, which makes it rather ironic for them to be writing a disparaging review about their competition (https://ibb.co/CHFyBSj).

Regarding the warranty statement you mentioned,
it's worth noting that it not only promises an immediate replacement within 24 hours of purchase but also offers further assistance through our Discord server.

Our auto-replacement feature has recently undergone maintenance due to Riot Games introducing captchas during login attempts. Rest assured, we are diligently working on resolving this issue. In the meantime, customers are redirected to our Discord server, where we commit to responding within 24 hours.

It's worth highlighting that the individual who opened a ticket at 'Yesterday at 21:42' barely waited for two minutes before leaving a '-rep' review, as evidenced here: https://ibb.co/qDkw00x.This suggests questionable intentions from thisindividual.

To expedite the process, our support team is highly responsive to tickets across multiple time zones. However, they do not have direct access to the account stock. Unfortunately, this customer received a subpar replacement, but our standard procedure is clear: support replaces an account once, and if it still doesn't meet expectations, the customer is advised to wait for my personal review and stock adjustment to ensure they receive a satisfactory replacement.
THIS METHOD has proven to be the most effective in the Log industry.

Upon my intervention, I instantly checked/cleanned the stock & replace this customer new account, WITHIN the promised 24-hour timeframe.

The claim that "they pay for reviewers to maintain a positive image of their store" is entirely baseless, lacking any supporting evidence. I would encourage you to contact any of our customers who have left reviews on our Discord server and ask them if they received compensation for their reviews, which is simply not the case.

Furthermore, we have been operating in this business for over a year, and our longevity speaks to the quality of our services. To underscore our commitment, here are some of the reviews from our Discord community:
Some of our Discord reviews :https://ibb.co/ZYxs9YK
As well as a snapshot of our order volume and reviews since our inception on Sellpass:https://ibb.co/m0mMBcB

I am confident in stating that we are among the top stores in this market, providing speedy assistance (though we do need some rest now and then), and compensating customers when delays occur.
In this case, it is apparent that the intent behind this post is not to offer a genuine warning but rather to malign our business.

"I'm sharing this thread to alert you to be cautious when dealing with this store." It's evident that this statement does not serve as a genuine caution but rather as a hostile attack on another business.

If you have any further questions or concerns, you can contact us directly on our discord server.


Divine Contributor Elite member














Years of Service

Dear @YOPv1, who just joined our membership today,

I won't engage with your weak arguments regarding the initial statement and the screenshot. As I am not a business owner and do not actively participate in forums, your attempts seem unfounded. It's quite a stretch to present a screenshot from 2020
[Image: fappa.png]
, which was three years ago. I have never owned a business, nor have I ever attacked one.

However, my only request is that you kindly acknowledge on your website and Discord that the replacements page is currently under maintenance. This will help inform customers that they may receive non-functional accounts during this period when the replacement page on your website is inactive. Additionally, it would be beneficial to create an official thread in the marketplace section for addressing any potential scams or disputes.
[Image: handsome.png]

In summary, it would greatly enhance the transparency of your business if you mention that the replacements page is temporarily unavailable, acknowledge the possibility of non-functional accounts and delayed replacements exceeding the 24-hour warranty period, and establish an official thread in the marketplace section. This way, neither I nor anyone else will have reason to doubt your business integrity.
[Image: wash.gif]

[Image: SIG.gif]


Divine Contributor Elite member












Years of Service

Dear Community, I want to address the recent community alert and provide some clarification about my shop: Secret Shop .

We offer a variety of league and valorant accounts, and if a purchased account turns out to be faulty, we have a policy to provide a replacement within 24 hours.

As in every logs shop, the login credentials for these accounts expire, which can cause issues. To ensure better client satisfaction and faster responses,we use an auto-replacement feature. Unfortunately, our platform recently experienced some technical problems (possible botting, cloudflare issues...) , so we disabled it temporarily to investigate more about the issues and a possible abuse that may have occured.

When a replacement account is also faulty, we ask customers to join our Discord server. @YOPv1 then personally checks the accounts and provides working replacements through the ticket system.
As a mid-tier shop with a good number of orders, we have an open ticket system and request customers to wait a maximum of 24 hours for resolution.

Regarding the specific incident involving @Rezistenza, he purchased a faulty account from our shop. Since the replacement platform is non-functioning, he joined our Discord server, instantly left a negative review and opened a ticket, demanding an instant replacement. My support team doesn't have access to the stock, and politely asked him to wait for the owner to be online, he refused and started disrespectfully chatting with my support team, using sarcastic and rude language. Dont be fooled by @Rezistenza sustained language in this post , its a chatgpt generated text, the disrespect in his ticket was wild.

Now regarding his claims:
Quote:One such store is @Avigi, who appears to be sponsored by the shop
I am the sole person responsible for advertising the service as a partner. I take full responsibility for any issues that may arise for blocked users who are directed from my posts and signature.

Quote:They mention being "Trusted by more than 5000 players!" along with positive reviews
We do not have any fake reviews. While it is true that we do not have 5000 positive reviews, we actually have over +8000 positive reviews. I apologize for not updating that information.

Quote:and a "24-hour warranty" policy
You bought the account yesterday at 19:00 pm , you got a fully working account today at 12:05.

Quote:Their customer support advised me to wait for 24 hours to receive a replacement account.It has now been over 10 hours.
[Image: keeksad.png]
[Image: keeksad.png]

Quote:it came to my attention that they have individuals in forums who serve as advertisers
Tag one person
[Image: who.png]

Quote:sharing free accounts to promote the store's products.
Those are actually private accounts brought from my shop stock. 100% working . Just read the comments on my posts , I can even send you the gratitude messages i receive for sharing those leaks.

Quote:Additionally, it seems they pay for reviewers to maintain a positive image of their store.
No comment, this is just stupid
[Image: ksz.png]

Quote:However, it's concerning that they lack an official thread in the marketplace.
We dont want to post any thread since we dont see any good reason to do so. We provide the community with working accounts and in exchange we advertise our service . If you need to open a scam report just mention any post of mine and it will be considered as a thread of sales , since advertisers arent allowed.

-User @Rezistenza bought an account from my shop , refused to wait for a replacement .
-He got a working account since the one he bought was still on the 24 hours warranty policy , (15 hours exactly)
-User @Rezistenza made a full thread with completly false claims .

My opinion :
All the claims made in this post are baseless, and there is no evidence to support the multiple accusations made. This thread should be recognized as a sales trashing, and @Rezistenza should be warned, with their post removed.
@Liars @Barry



