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Damaged.gg Lingos


@KSZ / @Liars

Can you pin this, this might be helpful to new members
[Image: ujz3PTS.png]


A few more terms...might want to alter the descriptions.

SE: Social Engineering.Using human interaction / communications and deception to manipulate a person or company to perform a certain task, such as disclosingsensitive information, providing access to services, issuing refunds, etc.
RE: Reverse Engineer(ing). Refers to the deconstruction of software into it's functional code, where it can then be analyzed for various reasons including: malware analysis, bypassing registrations, or injecting custom code.
Combo: A username and password combination, typically represented in the format <username>:<password>, or if it contains capture data <username>:<password> | <capture data>
Combolist: A collection of multiple combos
Capture: Information relevant to a combo for a specific site/sites, such as account access level, expiration date, or purchases
RDP: Remote Desktop Protocol. A Microsoft technology for remotely accessing desktops. Sometimes also used to refer to a VPS.
VPS: Virtual Private Server. Typically a virtual machine sold as a service from a hosting provider.
Dorks: Keywords to perform an advanced search query on search engines such as google and Bing.


(16 March, 2022 - 09:33 PM)foxegado Wrote: Show More
RAT = Remote Access Tool or Remote Administration Tool. Not necessarily trojan.

Good post.

Added to the descriptions, thanks for your input

(16 March, 2022 - 11:33 PM)foxegado Wrote: Show More
A few more terms...might want to alter the descriptions.

SE: Social Engineering.Using human interaction / communications and deception to manipulate a person or company to perform a certain task, such as disclosingsensitive information, providing access to services, issuing refunds, etc.
RE: Reverse Engineer(ing). Refers to the deconstruction of software into it's functional code, where it can then be analyzed for various reasons including: malware analysis, bypassing registrations, or injecting custom code.
Combo: A username and password combination, typically represented in the format <username>:<password>, or if it contains capture data <username>:<password> | <capture data>
Combolist: A collection of multiple combos
Capture: Information relevant to a combo for a specific site/sites, such as account access level, expiration date, or purchases
RDP: Remote Desktop Protocol. A Microsoft technology for remotely accessing desktops. Sometimes also used to refer to a VPS.
VPS: Virtual Private Server. Typically a virtual machine sold as a service from a hosting provider.
Dorks: Keywords to perform an advanced search query on search engines such as google and Bing.

Added PepeMusic
[Image: ujz3PTS.png]



