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Scam Empire: CrdForum/Python Kingdom














Years of Service

About the Author
Detective Maharlika at your service. Professionalizing on securing your financial state against scammers worldwide. My mission is to inform and to prevent you from becoming a victim of different scam sites.

I've stumbled on this forum called CrdForum for a while now and I've been quite interested on one of their "verified vendors", Python Kingdom. They offer physical cloned cards of where they would then deliver it to you via US,UK or International. Don't get me wrong, the reviews on the forum's looking really good. TOO GOOD to be exact. So I decided to pursue investigation. And I was so surprised upon what I had discovered.

Investigative Report Results
I've been carefully analyzing reviews from different sites, critiques, and carefully connecting puzzles upon their "social engineering". And what I had witness was that;
  1. Scam-Detector.com scoring the trustworthiness of the forum itself to be 0.5/100 which was deemed the lowest.
[Image: screenshot-11-png.7608]

  1. They're in suspicion to have administrative permission on CrdForum according to previous reviews on different sites/forum,
  2. After sending the BTC, they would then immediately block you, from the forum and from their telegram GC,
  3. that the recent reviews upon the forum are just them trying to sugar coat everything.
[Image: screenshot-1-png.7597]

Figure 1.1 Review of Python Kingdom & CrdForum.cc (TrustPilot)

[Image: screenshot-2-png.7598]

Figure 1.2 2nd Review proclaiming that the positive reviews are false; Python has administrative privileges on the forum; A warning against the forum and Python Kingdom (TrustPilot)

[Image: screenshot-3-png.7599]

Figure 1.3 3rd review and the witness of "good looking" fake reviews

[Image: screenshot-4-png.7600]

Figure 1.4 4th review and the another claim residing within the connection of Python Kingdom and its administrative privileges. (TrustPilot)

[Image: screenshot-5-png.7602]

Figure 1.5 5th review and complaint within the CrdForum's controversial administrative system where your threads and posts will be moderated first before getting officially be posted on the forum. (TrustPilot)

[Image: screenshot-6-png.7603]

Figure 1.6 6th review and the complaint of immediately getting blocked from the telegram GC. (TrustPilot)

[Image: screenshot-7-png.7604]

Figure 1.7 7th and the last but not least Python Kingdom review on TrustPilot. The issuance committing criticism even at their name due to emotional distraught. (TrustPilot)
[Image: screenshot-12-png.7609]

Figure 1.8 A review against Python and CrdForum (Cracking.org)

More Investigative Actions
Now you might say to yourself, "but they don't have any photo proof?" So I decided to double-check their forum again. And this time, my suspicion against Python Kingdom began to increase furthermore during the investigation.

1. Conflicting data within customers
Understand that if someone has any administrative powers on the forum, they have the ability to not only to delete, but to edit and manipulate your thread and replies likewise. And this is what I had gathered through the investigation.
[Image: screenshot-8-png.7605]

Figure 2.1. Buncle69, a concerned new member of CrdForum.

Here we have a member with the username "Buncle69" asking if either Python Card's legitimate on Python Kingdom's main vendor thread on CrdForum. (July 7, 2023)
[Image: screenshot-9-png.7606]

Figure 2.2. Buncle69's thread on CrdForum

On the same day, the member created a different thread from the CrdForum related to Python Kingdom and special tracking. Here the member stated that he ordered a cloned card via telegram to Japan. Signifying that the member had already sent their payment towards Python Kingdom. The member then lastly asked if how long it would take for Python Kingdom to drop off the card towards EMS logistic providers.

I want you to carefully analyze the member's delivery of sentences. The delivery presumed is quite formal and passive.
[Image: screenshot-10-png.7607]

Figure 2.3. product feedback and new informal delivery of messages within Buncle69.

After a day had passed, buncle69 finally gave their own feedback about Python Kingdom's product and deemed it flawless. However...

Try to compare the previous figure and his "feedback". Notice how it changed from settling an order to Japan, to cashing out in Canada. And his delivery of sentences likewise had changed. His formality towards his sentences corroded. (Supposedly if a Japanese person/foreign in Japan's delivery of sentence were like the sentence above, then probably 2Pacs hiding in Japan! Which is not, he's dead.)

There's only two hypothesis that we are to assume. Either he changed his mind and delivered his card to Canada instead of Japan, or there's been a total account takeover. Because then, why would he redirect his order to Canada? What was the reason? If it's to either gift someone the cloned card, it would be at low percentage. Because he was just only testing the product's legitimacy the day before. He would be stating the truth upon his thread that either he's from Canada, but unfortunately it wasn't. The truth was that he ordered it and lets it be delivered towards Japan.

Strongly adding fuel to the evidence of the Administrator privileges of Python Kingdom within CrdForum.

2. "Litterally"
When I was reviewing Buncle69's review feedback towards Python Kingdom, I noticed that the user made a spelling mistake where he spelt the word "literally" with two "t"s.
[Image: 1689750440863-png.7622]

Figure 3.1. Buncle69 committing a spelling mistake.

I was filled with curiosity then shaken my head after inferring that the user just made a simple everyday spelling mistake. However, while I was furthermore conducting investigative operations, I stumbled another account committing the same spelling mistake.

[Image: 1689750598406-png.7623]

Figure 3.2. Thread of the user "green" with the same spelling mistake.
So I began another investigative expedition regarding this state. The results were surprising, I witnessed multiple accounts committing the same spelling mistake and additionally, having the same informal delivery of sentences.
[Image: 1689750894086-png.7624]

Figure 3.3. Thread of the user "PaulieDumps" committing the same spelling mistake with the same informal delivery of sentences.
[Image: 1689751068155-png.7625]

Figure 3.4. Thread of the user "TheRichBeDamned" Though different title yet the same thread description of the previous figure.
[Image: 1689751180819-png.7626]

Figure 3.5. User "KasherQuon" with the same informal delivery of sentences and the same spelling mistake.
[Image: 1689751270290-png.7627]

Figure 3.5. Thread of the user "DirtyDubz" reviewing R2D2Logz, which is another "verified seller" of CrdForum whilst having the same spelling mistake and the same informal delivery of sentences.

There are further more accounts which commits the same spelling mistake and the same informal delivery of sentences. I get it, everyone commits spelling mistakes, it's an everyday occurrence in the way of life. Though not everyone commits the same spelling word mistake in one website at the same moment.

Completely increasing my suspicion of which there are back-end operators of which hijacks a member's account then proceeds to manipulate the reviews inside CrdForum.


Python Kingdom proposes a good amount of money towards their products, though please be careful and always double-check, no, TRIPLE-CHECK the vendors. I may give an update for more investigative reports, though if you were a previous customer of Python Kingdom, how did it go? How was your experiences? Let's contribute and ensure a healthy, trustworthy forum community.














Years of Service

Basically this. I drawn my conclusion too that they're scammer. It didnt happen to me but i witnessed the manipulation first hand. They ghost your complaints or concerns then completely delete them. That site is a grave yard basically. Ghosts feeding off your energy (money). Don't go there.



