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(01 August, 2022 - 12:08 PM)Proxy_Man Wrote: Show More
I want to pay attention to hidden content!
I think it's better to make it customizable!
at the moment, in order to see the hidden content, you need to be premium or Reply in the thread! (It's not convenient)
I suggest doing the following:​
  1. Only premium updated ones can view hidden content
  2. To see the hidden content, you need to have a certain number of likes on the forum (that is, every user who creates a branch and wants to hide the content, for example, chooses hide by the number of likes = 87, thereby users who have 87 likes will be able to see the content, and those who do not (will be able to ask in Private messages
  3. To see the hidden content, you need to have a certain number of posts on the forum (that is, each user who creates a thread and wants to hide the content, for example, chooses hide by the number of messages = 150, thereby users who have 150 messages will be able to see the content, and those who do not (will be able to ask in Private Messages
  4. To see hidden content, you need to be registered for example 20 days (that is, every user who creates a branch and wants to hide content, for example, chooses hide by the number of days on the forum = 20, thereby users who have 20 registered 20 days on the forum will be able to see content, and those who have registered less than 20 days cannot see and (they will be able to ask in Private messages
Thus, it will become unprofitable for scammers to constantly spam on the forum, and accounts will become more expensive, and thereby increase the purchasability of account Updates!
I'm registered on a lot of forums, and there are such conditions everywhere, it's very convenient
And so the topics will become cleaner, and only one review will be visible!​

@KSZ @Liars @winter @Darkness

I think #3 could be bypassed easily by leeching and posting random messages. Just some constructive criticism.
Owner of othersidehttps://discord.gg/otherside



